Imagine if your parents gave you a bicycle with no training wheels, put you at the top of a steep hill with no helmet, and said "GO!"
Oh - and imagine if you needed to make it to the bottom of the hill or else you'd be doomed to a life stuck in a 9-5 job with debt, bills, and constant financial worries.
You'd definitely try! But you'd probably end up in a bush somewhere on the side of the road.
That describes what it would be like to learn forex without "training wheels"
Introducing... my Edison Analyzer algorithm.
Here's the truth...
I've quietly had my head down for years working to develop the ULTIMATE trading tool to help me.
I wanted to find a way to take my knoweldge of trading and turn it into an intelligent software to help me analyze the charts and more confidently place trades.
It started as a side project just for myself. But I realized how powerful the software could be for any trader, especially someone brand new.
This is the first time I'm ever releasing this publicly.
Here's how it works:
The Edison Analyzer monitors the market 24/7 for "hot zones" - which are areas that follow a specific trading pattern that I've consistently made profits with.
You'll get message alerts the MOMENT Edison discovers a hot zone.
Then, you can use the training you've receive from the course and coaching calls (more on those later) to decide if you like the opportunity or not.
This is NOT another "forex robot" or something that trades for you. That's not legal and also not something you can learn from.
Edison Analyzer is a momentum-driven software that finds a specific trading pattern in the market.
While you're learning how to trade with the 60+ step by step video course AND 20 monthly group coaching calls you're going to get - Edison is going to be finding hot zones for you.
And the best part?
Edison will free up tons of time for you because it's constantly scanning the market. While you're living life Edison will be hard at work.
Here's the bottom line: